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Welding Story Garden

Welding Master for Millions of Solder Joints with almost Zero Welding and Leakage -- Wang Yujun

Release time:2018-04-19   Pageviews:1768

The lowest flame temperature of the welding torch is 2300 degrees Celsius, and the highest is 2800 degrees Celsius. One air conditioner has four solder joints, 2000 to 3000 air conditioners can be wielded with more than 10 thousand solder joints, achieving the welding leakage rate 3ppm, that is to say, millions of solder joints have almost zero welding leakage, far exceeding the national quality level of 6ppm. And the industry can only reach 200ppm. This is the production standard maintained by Wang Yujun, chief welding technician of Haier Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. in Chongqing.

Many hardships behind the honor

After Wang Yujun's entry into the Haier Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., his diligence sharpens his skillful technology. All the workers appraise him as the person with “high skill, ability to overcome difficulties, good at innovation and share”. Wang Yujun, in his thirties, has been awarded “Chongqing Haier Air Conditioning Advanced Individual” for four consecutive years, the first prize in the Chongqing Haier Air Conditioning Welding Competition, second prize in the Chongqing semi-final of the ACG Welding Competition, “Qingdao technical expert”, an candidate of the group “Gold Hammer Award”, and the “Skilled Star” of the “Moving Star” award ceremony of the Chongqing Haier Industrial Park.

The enterprise has a type of copper tube with a diameter of 5 millimeters. It is very easy to cause welding block in the process of welding. After many tests, Wang Yujun found that the joint insertion depth of the installation tube group was too shallow. After the process improvement, this kind of problem was eliminated. He also invented the fastest way of checking and blocking, which can find out which solder joints are blocked up in the shortest time and repair the solder joints.

Craftsman spirit drives forward

Because the shape of the elbow of the connecting pipe group is different, and the thickness is different, when welding is thin, it can be burned through when it is too thin while it can not be burned through when it is too thick. When everyone was at a loss, Wang Yujun took the initiative in tackling key problems. For two months in a row, Wang Yujun visited other factories every weekend and looked through materials. By adjusting the heating angle and adding the thickness of most elbows, he finally solved the problem satisfactorily. With his help, many apprentices' technological level has been developing rapidly, and they have made remarkable achievements in all competitions.

Although Wang Yujun was very young, he was already the chief technician of the Haier group's air conditioning supply chain, and had the qualification of brazing industry senior technicians. He is an outstanding representative of the ordinary workers and won the honor of the National Labor Medal in 2014.

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